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Allergies au bouledogue anglais et allergies cutanées :symptômes et causes

Donc, vous l'avez finalement fait. Vous avez ramené votre Bulldog à la maison et êtes prêt à l'aimer, le choyer, le gâter et bien sûr le nourrir. Comme tous les autres parents d'animaux de compagnie, vous voulez un chiot heureux et en bonne santé et vous ferez tout ce qui est en votre pouvoir pour vous assurer que votre chien est bien pris en charge.

Alors, que faites-vous lorsque votre intimidateur commence à se gratter ou à souffrir de maux d'estomac ? Qu'est-ce que cela pourrait être, et comment pouvez-vous le présenter ?

Allergies au bouledogue anglais 

Les bouledogues sont de charmants animaux de compagnie. Ils sont doux, calmes, joueurs et surtout loyaux. Leur nature vive et idiote en fait d'excellents compagnons, et leurs visages distinctifs - avec toutes ces rides et plis - font que les gens tombent amoureux d'eux dès qu'ils les entendent renifler.

La mauvaise nouvelle est que les bouledogues sont incroyablement sujets aux allergies, et la plupart d'entre eux en souffriront après avoir été exposés à des ingrédients alimentaires pendant une période prolongée.

Cette exposition prolongée est appelée sensibilisation. Cela signifie que le chien développe l'allergie par exposition, ce n'est donc pas une réaction immédiate lorsqu'il essaie l'aliment en question.

Cependant, après avoir mangé le même aliment pendant une période prolongée, ils peuvent commencer à montrer des signes d'allergies. La bonne nouvelle est que ces allergies sont généralement très faciles à traiter.

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À quoi ressemblent les allergies chez les chiens ?

Commençons par regarder à quoi ressemblent les allergies chez un chien, en particulier un Bulldog. Les chiens souffrant d'allergies peuvent présenter un ou plusieurs des symptômes suivants :

  • Peau qui démange
  • Dermatite ou eczéma, qui peuvent être difficiles à détecter et à traiter chez les Bulldogs en raison des plis de leur peau
  • Ruches
  • Diarrhée ou vomissements
  • Éternuer
  • Oreilles qui démangent ou même otites chroniques
  • Gonflement du visage, des oreilles, des lèvres, etc.
  • Léchage constant (surtout leurs pattes)
  • Yeux qui coulent

When it comes to Bulldogs, the symptoms you definitely need to look out for are dermatitis and folliculitis, which can develop inside those lovely folds of skin (and which makes them not only hard to detect but puts your buddy at a higher risk of developing infections) and muzzle acne.

You want to be on the lookout for itchiness and irritation around your bully’s skin folds, paying extra special attention to the face and the ears.

If you notice your bully develops itchiness and redness in his ears accompanied by a brown waxy discharge, or oily and flaky skin, you are most probably looking at an allergic reaction.

What Type of Allergies Do Bulldogs Have?

Bulldogs can develop several types of allergies, including: 

  • Environmental allergies (allergies caused by something in their environment) 
  • Allergies to food ingredients 
  • Contact allergies (something that touches their skin)
  • Genetic (less common, but is passed on by the parents) 

Let’s take a deeper look at each of these allergies.

Environmental Allergies

Bulldogs’ short coats and short stature mean they are always at risk of coming in contact with an irritant that can trigger an allergic reaction. This reaction can be caused by grass, wood shavings, a plant, and many other natural triggers.

They can also suffer from pollen allergies and dust mites. If your bully goes outside and comes in contact with an allergen on the ground, the odds are, they will show symptoms.

Allergies cutanées

The folds of skin that we love so much in our bullies are also the main reason they are prone to skin allergies. As the skin folds on itself, the folds themselves can become filled with bacteria, leading to conditions like dermatitis, folliculitis, muzzle acne, and even bacterial infections.

These conditions manifest in the shape of irritation around their lovely wrinkles, so be very, very vigilant and always check the skin folds around your bully’s ears, eyes, paws, and face.


Purebred dogs are particularly susceptible to developing certain health conditions. In the case of Bulldogs, one of these health conditions is allergies.

Food Allergies

Most food allergies in dogs are a response to a specific type of protein. The most common proteins that cause allergies in bulldogs are beef, chicken, and pork.

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My Bulldog Has Allergies. What Can I Do?

Suppose you notice your Bulldog is struggling with any of the symptoms associated with allergies. In that case, the first thing you need to do is take them to the vet to make sure nothing else is wrong.

Some of the symptoms listed here for allergies can also occur with other health conditions, so it is better to have your bully checked by your vet to ensure everything else is okay. After the vet confirms that your bully is suffering from allergies, it is time to figure out what to do to prevent them.

Bulldogs are very sensitive to food allergens, which means you have to be very, very careful about the ingredients in the food you are giving them.

These are some of the most common food allergens that Bulldogs are more susceptible to:

  • Dairy
  • Corn
  • Soy
  • Wheat
  • Food dyes and artificial preservatives
  • Artificial seasonings
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Pork
  • Beef
  • Chicken 

Unfortunately, food allergies are notoriously tricky to diagnose and pinpoint, so the best course of action might be to avoid foods that contain some of the ingredients mentioned above.

What Should I Feed My Bully to Avoid Allergic Reactions?

Your best bet is to buy quality food that is made with Lamb or Bison protein. There are foods in the market that are specially formulated for your Bulldog.

These particular foods are not a special diet per se, but very high-quality foods that contain natural ingredients, free of preservatives and dyes.

The problem with lower-grade food is that it may contain unlabeled ingredients, which may pose a danger to your Bulldog’s health. So, when it comes to food, your best option is choosing high-quality food that contains the right amount of protein and is easy to digest.

If you notice that your Bulldog reacts to a particular ingredient in food, simply remove it from their diet, and switch to a higher-quality food.